Omar Karim 

AI Creative Director, Film Director and Image Maker, Keynote Speaker

MA - Iconoclast
SWE - Tinker Tailor


Alice & JS Marvel x Louboutin

Alice & JS, are a creative couple with a passion for fashion, art and design from Paris, with a large following across social and together with myself, they collaborated with Marvel and Christian Louboutin on the launch of their capsule collection. 

We co-created a reel that was a departue from the duo’s wonderful and sleek style with infused the impact and essense of the Marvel Universe.

Together we stepped in a vidid, dynamic and animated world created in AI fused together with incredible editing to reveal the shoe in a truly epic fashion. 

AI for Creators is particullary important exploration for me at the moment, the potential to enable creators to magnify their creative potential, both in terms of creation and exploration. This exploration was a wonderful look into ways of working that retained the creative intention and potential of AI and human creativity.

AI Artist - Omar Karim
Creators - Alice & JS
Design - Omar Karim
Editor - Alice & JS

Hackney, London.